what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?
The major theme of this book, Farenheit 451, can be condensed down to conflict between knowledge and ignorance. After reading this book, I thought about the question, "does ignorance lead us to happy life, while knowledge destroys our life?"
It is about how we became estranged toward the book, furthermore, having knowledge.
In the book, people tries to make the society equal by banning people from learning or having anykind of knowledge, which results them to burn all the books.
The government tries to hide the truth about the sad and horrible life from people. In order to do that, they give people endless entertainment and takes away the books.
Minorities who recognized its importance, were punished and people began to forget about the war and complexities of life. They chase the "happiness" but what they got was "ignorance".
The book itself was a quite shock for me, because I am very similar to character Mildred, who depends my knowledge and life on modern technologies, such as computer. As it is easier to surf web than reading the book, I tend to stop reading the books when I have a choice.
댓글 2개:
Hey Esther:)
Knowledge and Ignorance dependes on the fact whether we were educated or not. Some people say when we know too much things, we wouldn't be happy. Knowing all the horrible things that had happened to humans in the past, we might not be enjoying our lives. I think that is what the people in the book had feared. They thought if we didn't know anything, we might be happier. They burned all the books and people were happy, but left ignorant. Do you think being happy and ignorant worth more than being smart and unhappy? I'd rather know everything and be less happier :(
I am a kind of person who doesn't really read much, and I depend too much on technology.. Maybe I should try to read more...hehe
Are you... preparing for forensics debate?ㅋㅋ OMG when do we analyze all those papers?? Too thick!! I think we researched TOO much... I hope it will be worth it:)
Fabulous site and posts. Mrs.Mc.
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