2007년 6월 1일 금요일


* What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of the book 1984 by George Orwell is the importance of keeping history.
In his book, George Orwell describes how if there is no history, there will be a society just like in the book. The dystopian society in novel, they erase people memories to keep the party going, just like erasing a spelling mistake,. If people in the book remembered the past and learned lessons from it, such as World Wars and tyranny leaders, the people would stand against party. Also, if they remembered better time than that they are living in; they will realize that they can live in fairer condition, which will eventually lead to rebellion. This is why they brainwash and control people’s thoughts, to stop the time and make an immortal party. Other methods used by government include education with Party doctrine (INGSOC), joycamps, and youth education. This theme is very important to people living in 21st century, especially teenagers, because it emphasizes the importance of learning the past. The author describes the dreadful consequences of not looking back. I realized after reading this book that if I was in the book, I would one of the majority, who acts according to the Party orders, a zombie.
Also, the author of the book sharply criticizes the dictatorship and “totalinarism.” Totalinarism is when the government has authority to restrict individuals even with their deepest privacy. It is related to socialism and the descriptions of Big Brothers in the book are actually very similar with Stalin, a dictator in Soviet Union. The author vividly depicts how people can suffer under such a government, which controls every actions, history, memories, words, and even THOUGHTS. Whatever the thought is against the idea of party is labeled as “thought crime.” With this theme, he tells readers that it is critical for individuals to keep their own thoughts and opinions about the world. Winston, the main character goes through torture by Ministry of Love because he was “sick” as he had different views from the party and later, he was forced to be “cured.”
This theme reminded me how I, sometimes am manipulated by the media like people in this novel being controlled by party. I often am given certain beliefs and values from TV and radio. As technology develops more and more, I feel myself losing my own thoughts and color.

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