2007년 6월 1일 금요일


* What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this Negative Utopian novel 1984 by George Orwell is dark. The setting of the book itself is already desolate world with gray sky, which sometimes is lightened by bombs. In the society, the one that is described in the novel, people have absolutely no freedom. They cannot write, read other than the books given from government, and even cannot love anything but Big Brother. Except those minorities who are in Inner Party, Outer Party and proles do not have their basic needs fulfilled. Proles still have their freedom and are not restricted by the Party, while Outer Party members are deprived of their personal rights. Their memories are manipulated by Inner Party members and are observed 24 hours a day and 365 days an year by hidden microphones and telescreens. The depiction of their miserable life by the author through this novel is truly despairing. Especially when it is said that their life will be the way it is and the party would last FOREVER, the mood was depressing.
Sometimes, there were hopeful mood in the book. When Winston and Julia, against the rule of Party, shares love is cheerful point of the book. Even though the characters and I knew that two lovers would not make thorough, when they were together I was happy with them. Like my expectation, their love ended with bitterness. The ending of the book was the darkest part of whole book, because there was absolutely no more hope, no more daydreams, and no more love. After all, the future of the society in the book was like what was said by Winston, the main character: “Boot stamping on a human face forever.”

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