“The cage was nearer; it was closing in. Winston heard a succession of shrill cries, which appeared to be occurring in the air above his head. But he fought furiously against his panic. To think, to think, even with a split
second left- to think was the only hope.” (Page. 235)
This scene was when the antagonist, O’Brien, was torturing Winston, the protagonist. This torture, or ‘healing of mind’ was done by most crucial method, using terror hidden in a person. For Winston, it was rats. Throughout the book, it is shown that Winston has fear toward rats and he often has nightmares about them. O’Brien threatens Winston with a box full of rats and mentally molests him. However, I doubt that box to be empty. The scratching noises and sniffing sounds were probably imagined by Winston’s fear. Later, he yells out to do this to Julia not him.
After reading this scene, I was just terrified. Like Winston fears rats, I once feared being in the dark. You might say that every children hates being in the dark, but it was a little special for me. I hysterically hated and feared dark, as I am almost blind in dark. When I walk in a dark room, I tumble after the first step.
Then, I began to imagine second grade me put in a dark room without even mere light. I would cry and maybe even die with heart attack. Most of all, like Winston, I would give away names of my loved ones. This is sad truth, but I know that I will, not because I am evil, but because I am a weak person in front of pain.
This scene leads me to this question: is human will really weaker than physical torture?
I sincerely wish that the answer is ‘yes’ and I want to believe it, because human is same as animals or robots if he is without wills and dreams inside him.

This scene was when the antagonist, O’Brien, was torturing Winston, the protagonist. This torture, or ‘healing of mind’ was done by most crucial method, using terror hidden in a person. For Winston, it was rats. Throughout the book, it is shown that Winston has fear toward rats and he often has nightmares about them. O’Brien threatens Winston with a box full of rats and mentally molests him. However, I doubt that box to be empty. The scratching noises and sniffing sounds were probably imagined by Winston’s fear. Later, he yells out to do this to Julia not him.
After reading this scene, I was just terrified. Like Winston fears rats, I once feared being in the dark. You might say that every children hates being in the dark, but it was a little special for me. I hysterically hated and feared dark, as I am almost blind in dark. When I walk in a dark room, I tumble after the first step.
Then, I began to imagine second grade me put in a dark room without even mere light. I would cry and maybe even die with heart attack. Most of all, like Winston, I would give away names of my loved ones. This is sad truth, but I know that I will, not because I am evil, but because I am a weak person in front of pain.
This scene leads me to this question: is human will really weaker than physical torture?
I sincerely wish that the answer is ‘yes’ and I want to believe it, because human is same as animals or robots if he is without wills and dreams inside him.
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