2007년 6월 1일 금요일


* Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

The society in the novel, 1984, is a description of the world with socialism. It is not directly related to the present environment where I am living in. However, this book reminded me of North Korea under a leader called Kim Jung il. Even though there are many differences between Oceania and North Korea, such as North Korea is not war with other countries YET and they desire to have more materials while Oceania keeps war to spend their overproduced materials to be in poverty. There are many similarities between two countries as well as many differences. People in both countries suffer with deprivation of basic needs for different reasons. Only the minority upper class is well fed. Also, the communism of Oceania and North Korea began after the WWI and WWII.
Another distinction is shown in two different futures of these countries. As North Korea is being pressured by other democratic countries with more power, such as United States, it will be changed to democracy in near future. In contrary, whole world is under socialism and totalinarism in 1984. There is not even a mere hope that this unwavering party will collapse.
The author of this novel suggests no clear instruction or any solution. He only tells us how our emotion easily can be repressed by physical torture and can be even removed from one person. George Orwell also reminds and warns us of communism and its dangerous blindsights. At some points of the book, he describes how proles, the lower class with freedom but no proper education, can save the society. I also feel that the rebellion of proles is the only hope of the society in 1984, as brotherhood with leader called is Goldstein is just a fictional character created by the government just to focus people’s hatred into one person or object. However, the solution to solve the communism in North Korea, the most isolated country in the whole world, is not given in this book.

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