2007년 6월 1일 금요일


Truth indeed rather alleviates than hurts, and will always bear up against falsehood, as oil does above water,”-Miguel de Cervantes:
What is truth? Truth, I defined this word something we could prove.
However, this novel 1984, written by George Orwell had me reconsider what truth really is. For example, Winstion knows that Oceania was war with Eurasia just the day before and when he comes back to work, he’s to believe that Oceania always had been war with Eastasia. He also knows that the past was better than present, but he’s to believe that he has high quality life style, while he sleeps naked because there is no pajama supplied, and drinks Victory Gin that tastes like chemical. But, everything that happened cannot be proved and according to my definition of truth, they are not true.
I just had a big feast and my belly is about to pop because of food I ate. Suddenly, my mom comes and tries to feed me again! I tell her that I ate my lunch, but all the evidences that could prove my statement are gone. Then, did I eat the feast or was it just my hallucination? What is TRUE?
This book has raised many questions in my head. I realized that truth is something we could control, manipulate. I was shocked that everything I believe in everything I have done may be FALSE, and I was just lead to believe that by government. After reading this book, I began to doubt everything that seemed to be so natural.

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Stephanie Chun :

I agree with you that truth might be something we can manipulate. I also think that truth is what we want to believe. Majority of the people in 1984 are believing what Big Brother is saying and regard them as truth thougth they actually aren't as you mentioned. I believe most of the people would want to believe what the government is saying because if they don't they will be killed or tortured. But I do agree with you that truth is controllable.